CV Privacy


This document describes how Bianchi Industry S.p.A. located in Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia, Italy manages the processing of personal data of visitors and users of its website pursuant to Article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree no.196/2003 «Personal Data Protection Code» – and of the EU Regulation 679/2016 «General Regulation on Data Protection» (GRDP) applicable as of 25 May 2018 (hereinafter the Privacy Code and the GRDP are collectively referred to as «Applicable Regulations»). The processing of personal data is always based on principles of lawfulness and propriety in compliance with all current regulations and appropriate security measures are adopted to protect it. This information applies only to the website of Bianchi Industry Spa in Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia and not to other websites which may be accessed via links. Those websites are managed by independent data controllers and thus their websites should be consulted for the relevant privacy statement.
To this end, Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia hereby informs you:

A – Purposes of the processing

Personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
Your personal data will be used, subject to your explicit consent, for the analysis of your curriculum vitae and to possibly contact you regarding a job interview at Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia.

B – Mandatory/optional nature of the data provided and consequences resulting from the refusal to provide it

The consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in letter A above is mandatory and any refusal will prevent the processing of your curriculum vitae and thus anything else relating to job interviews.
In any case, you may request that the data not be processed at any time, by making a simple and informal request to Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia by e-mail or ordinary mail in the manner referred to in letter G below.

C – Methods of processing

Personal data will be processed in the following ways:
– recording and processing on paper;
– recording and processing in electronic files;

Personal data is processed by duly authorized and trained employees and collaborators of Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia in their role as «Data Processors».

D – Data communication

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties or resold for any reason. The electronic information relating to promotional communications is stored in Italy and as a result there is no transfer of personal data outside Italy.
For the purpose referred to in letter A above:
– personal data may be processed by individuals within the Company in their capacity as Data Supervisors and/or Data Processors, only if the processing is necessary for the performance of their duties by carrying out only the operations necessary for the performance of legitimate tasks;
– personal data may be processed by companies collaborating with Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia, as external data controllers, the list of which is continuously updated and can be requested by written communication to the mailing address below or to

E – Data retention time limits

Personal data collected for the purpose of this information note will be retained until the consent is revoked, unless the information is the object of processing for other purposes by the Data Controller. In any case, after the revocation of consent, the data will no longer be processed for the aforementioned purposes.
Further information regarding the Personal Data retention period and the criteria used to determine that period may be requested by sending a written request to the address indicated below or an e-mail to
Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or improper use, and unauthorized access.

F – Type of data processed

Browsing data:
The computer systems and software procedures which run this web site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data the transmission of which is implicit in Internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected so as to be associated with identified data subjects, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, enable the identification of users.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment of the user.
This data is only used to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the website and to monitor its proper functioning and is deleted immediately after processing.

Data provided voluntarily by the user:
The information provided voluntarily by the user as well as the optional, explicit and voluntary submission of e-mails to the contact addresses listed on this website leads to the subsequent acquisition of that information, including the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests.
The personal data of the Customer is required for the purposes referred to in point A above and for the management of his/her requests.

G – Rights of the data subjects

Within the limits of the applicable regulations, data subjects have the right to request, at any time, access to, confirmation of the existence or inexistence of the data, and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request that it be supplemented, updated, or amended, as well as obtain, in a format commonly used and readable by an electronic device, the data concerning them (article 7 of the Personal Data Protection Code and article 12 of EU Regulation 2016/679).
Pursuant to these Articles data subjects shall have the right to request the deletion, transformation into an anonymous format, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose its processing for legitimate reasons.
Data subjects have the right to obtain information at any time.
Requests shall be sent to: or by mail to: Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia Italy.

Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Italian Data Protection Authority) if it is believed that the processing of Personal Data is in violation of the applicable law.

H – Data Controller and Data Supervisor

The data controller is Bianchi Industry Spa, with registered office in Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc. Zingonia Italy VAT number 04002310169.

The person in charge of processing personal data on behalf of the Company is the legal representative pro tempore appointed for this purpose.

I – Modifications

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or simply update the content of this policy, in part or completely, including due to changes in the Applicable Regulations. The Data Controller therefore invites you to regularly visit this section for information on the most recent and updated version so that you are always up to date on the data collected and its use by Bianchi Industry Spa Africa, 9 – 24040 Verdellino Loc Zingonia Italy; these changes shall be binding as soon as they are published on the website.